Junior Rugby Program (U10 - U18)
Burraneer Rugby Club is currently the largest and most successful junior rugby club in the southern Sydney region and have been so for 60 plus years. Our club takes great pride in providing the best possible facilities and support structure to ensure that each of our teams are fully prepared and resourced maximising their potential to enjoy their chosen sport of rugby.
Building on their learned rugby skills from the Minis Rugby Program, players progress into the Junior Rugby program. Burraneer Rugby Club’s Junior Rugby Program fields teams playing in the Sydney Junior Rugby Competitions (SJRU), within the age groups from U10 to under U18 Opens.
ARU Minis Rules and Kids Pathway information is adhered to and adopted by Burraneer Rugby Club. Information can be found on the ARU website via link below. This information should be read and understood by all parents. There are also coaching resources and Kids Pathway Laws for up and coming coaches and managers. The emphasis is on fun, safety, participation and good sportsmanship.
As members of the Burraneer Rugby Community; Players, Coaches and Spectators, it is our
responsibility to champion the BURRANEER FAMILY VALUES both personally and across the community.
Junior Rugby Plays it Safe
The Australian Rugby Union (ARU) TryRugby program is held pre-season in March and is an opportunity to experience the fun of the game prior to registration. ARU game modifications introduces new players to the game through a series of age-specific modified rugby games in a controlled environment. Safety is the priority as the laws and level of contact are gradually introduced while players develop. A summary of the age group modifications can be found in a document via link below:
The progression of skills continues throughout the Junior Rugby age groups. U10 and U11 play full field less 10m width, 12 players, semi-contested scrums but no lifting in lineouts. U12 play full field, 15 players, semi-contested scrums and also lifting in lineouts. U13 and above play the U19 game modifications.
Working With Children
Our club also follows the “Working With Children” (the old “Child Protection”) policies and procedures, and our Working With Children Co-ordinator ensures all volunteers working with a junior team are registered.
Privacy Policy
In addition to this website, we also post information and photos on the club Facebook & Instagram pages from time to time. We have found this to be hugely popular with families and has helped our club expand its marketing and communications to a broader audience. However, we are also mindful of family’s entitlement to privacy and value concerns from any parents of their children’s photos appearing on social media against parent’s wishes. The same goes for any adults that may be employed in positions requiring a high degree of privacy. So, please contact our Communications Co-ordinator if you have any issues.
For further information please contact our Director of Junior Rugby:

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